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Jie Yang

发布日期:2025-01-06    作者:     来源:     点击:

Basic Information

Name: Jie Yang

Title: Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor


Office address: Room 507, Decai Building, Tongji University, Jiading District, Shanghai, China
Research group homepage: https://www.x-mol.com/groups/yangj



Dr. Jie Yang is currently an Principal Investigator and Ph.D. supervisor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Tongji University. Recipient of the Shanghai High-Level Overseas Talent Program. She recieved her Ph.D. in Microelectronics and Solid-State Electronics from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2019. Then, She worked as a postdoctoral researcher fellow at the National University of Singapore (NUS) from 2019 to 2022 before joining Tongji University. Dr. Yang has been actively involved in leading-edge research on the interfacial regulation and microstructure design of two-dimensional materials for intelligent sensing devices, making significant advancements in interfacial performance modulation, electronic transport mechanisms, nanoscale structure design, and device engineering. Her work focuses on the cutting-edge development of infrared neuromorphic synaptic devices, multimodal sensing systems, and battery-type sensors, driving innovations in intelligent sensing technologies. To date, Dr. Yang has published 54 SCI-indexed papers, including 22 as the first author or co-corresponding author, with one being recognized as an ESI Highly Cited Paper. She also holds three granted patents. Her cumulative impact factor (IF) exceeds 3913, and her research achievements are reflected in an h-index of 34.


Research Interests:

  1. Infrared neuromorphic synaptic devices

  2. Battery-type sensors

  3. Multimodal sensing devices and systems


    Education and Work Experience:




Ph.D., University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)


Postdoctoral Fellow, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore


Tongji University, Distinguished Researcher, Ph.D. Supervisor



Teaching Courses:

Semiconducting Electronics in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

Status and Trends of Novel Materials (English)

Semiconductor Materials and Devices

Writing of Scientific Papers

New Semiconductor Materials and Intelligent Sensing Devices (English)

Recent Selected Publications:


  1. Li, T.; Xu, Q.; Waqar, M.; Yang, H.; Gong, W.; Yang, J.*; Zhong, J.; Liu, Z., Millisecond-induced defect chemistry realizes high-rate fiber-shaped zinc-ion battery as amagnetically soft robot. Energy Storage Materials 2023, 55, 6472.



    17. Yang, J.; Yang, H.; Ye, C.; Li, T.; Chen, G.; Qiu, Y., Conformal surface-nanocoating strategy to boost high-performance film cathodes for flexible zinc-ion batteries as an amphibious soft robot. Energy Storage Materials 2022, 46, 472-481.

    16. Yang, J.; Tian, H.; Li, Y.; Li, H.; Li, S.; Yang, H.; Ding, M.; Wang, X.; Chen, P.-Y., Eco-friendly synthesis of vanadium metal-organic frameworks from gasification waste for wearable Zn-ion batteries. Energy Storage Materials 2022, 53, 352-362.

    15. Guo, K.; Fan, C.; Yu, Q.; Wang, J.; Deng, H.; Wang, T.; Liu, F.; Ding, X.; Pan, Z.; Zhu, S.; Yang, J.*; Zhang Q.L.; Wu J.; Zhou P,; Jiang Z.F. Time-domain flexible pulse fiber laser generation and high-power evolution based on inter-band excitation of lead sulfide nanoflakes. Optics Communications 2022, 529,129065.



    14. Yang, J.; Song, Z.-Y.; Guo, L.; Gao, H.; Dong, Z.; Yu, Q.; Zheng, R.-K.; Kang, T.-T.; Zhang, K., Nontrivial giant linear magnetoresistance in nodal-line semimetal ZrGeSe 2D layers. Nano Letters 2021, 21 (23), 10139-10145.

    13. Yang, J.; Pan, Z.; Zhong, J.; Li, S.; Wang, J.; Chen, P.-Y., Electrostatic self-assembly of heterostructured black phosphorusMXene nanocomposites for flexible microsupercapacitors with high rate performance. Energy Storage Materials 2021, 36, 257-264.

    12. Pan, Z.; Liu, X.; Yang, J.*; Li, X.; Liu, Z.; Loh, X. J.; Wang, J., Aqueous rechargeable multivalent metalion batteries: Advances and Challenges. Advanced Energy Materials 2021, 11 (24), 2100608.

    11. Pan, Z.; Kang, L.; Li, T.; Waqar, M.; Yang, J.*; Gu, Q.; Liu, X.; Kou, Z.; Wang, Z.; Zheng, L., Black phosphorus@ Ti3C2Tx MXene composites with engineered chemical bonds for commercial-level capacitive energy storage. ACS Nano 2021, 15 (8),12975-12987.


    10. Pan, Z.; Yang, J.#; Zhang, Y.; Gao, X.; Wang, J., Quasi-solid-state fiber-shaped aqueous energy storage devices: recent advances and prospects. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8 (14), 6406-6433.

    9. Pan, Z.; Yang, J.#; Li, L.; Gao, X.; Kang, L.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Kou, Z.; Zhang, T.; Wei, L., All-in-one stretchable coaxial-fiber strain sensor integrated with high-performing supercapacitor. Energy Storage Materials 2020, 25, 124-130.


    8. Yang, J.; Pan, Z.; Yu, Q.; Zhang, Q.; Ding, X.; Shi, X.; Qiu, Y.; Zhang, K.; Wang, J.; Zhang, Y., Free-standing black phosphorus thin films for flexible quasi-solid-state micro-supercapacitors with high volumetric power and energy density. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11 (6), 5938-5946.

    7. Yang, J. et. Al., Doped Graphene for Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems. John Wiley: Advanced Battery Materials 2019, Vol. 11.

    6. Wang, T.#; Jin, X.#; Yang, J.#; Wu, J.; Yu, Q.; Pan, Z.; Wu, H.; Li, J.; Su, R.; Xu, J., Ultra-stable pulse generation in ytterbium-doped fiber laser based on black phosphorus. Nanoscale Advances 2019, 1 (1), 195-202.

    5. Wang, T.#; Jin, X.#; Yang, J.#; Wu, J.; Yu, Q.; Pan, Z.; Shi, X.; Xu, Y.; Wu, H.; Wang, J., Oxidation-resistant black phosphorus enable highly ambient-stable ultrafast pulse generation at a 2 μm Tm/Ho-doped fiber laser. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11 (40), 36854-36862.

    4. Pan, Z.#; Yang, J.#; Zhang, Q.; Liu, M.; Hu, Y.; Kou, Z.; Liu, N.; Yang, X.; Ding, X.; Chen, H., Allsolidstate fiber supercapacitors with ultrahigh volumetric energy density and outstanding flexibility. Advanced Energy Materials 2019, 9 (9), 1802753.

    3. Pan, Z.#; Yang, J.#; Zang, W.; Kou, Z.; Wang, C.; Ding, X.; Guan, C.; Xiong, T.; Chen, H.; Zhang, Q., All-solid-state sponge-like squeezable zinc-air battery. Energy Storage Materials 2019, 23, 375-382.



    2. Yang, J.; Yu, W.; Pan, Z.; Yu, Q.; Yin, Q.; Guo, L.; Zhao, Y.; Sun, T.; Bao, Q.; Zhang, K., Ultrabroadband flexible photodetector based on topological crystalline insulator SnTe with high responsivity. Small 2018, 14 (37), 1802598.

    1. Yang, J.; Qin, H.; Zhang, K., Emerging terahertz photodetectors based on two-dimensional materials. Optics Communications 2018, 406, 36-43.


    1Graduate Student Openings: We warmly welcome master's and Ph.D. students with academic backgrounds in physics, materials science, chemistry, electronics, machine learning, or related fields to join our research group.

    2Postdoctoral and Research Staff Positions: We are seeking talented individuals for long-term positions, including postdoctoral fellows, assistant researchers, and research assistants. Candidates with expertise in the growth and fabrication of two-dimensional materials, flexible electronics, sensors, neuromorphic devices, or experience in machine learning and computational modeling are particularly encouraged to apply. Competitive compensation packages are offered.




上一条:Yuan Hua

下一条:Yang Xu