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HongTing Pu

发布日期:2015-12-08    作者:     来源:     点击:

Basic Information

Name: Hongting Pu

Title: Professor


Office address: Decai Building, Jiading Campus, Tongji University




Hongting Pu is a professor at Tongji University. After earned Ph.D. in 1996, he joined in Tongji University as lecturer, and then associate professor. In 2003, He was promoted to full professor. He has undertaken 36 research projects supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the Municipal Education Commission, and has been authorized 77 invention patents, compiled 3 monographs and textbooks such as Polymers for PEM Fuel Cells (Wiley), and published 273 papers in academic journals and 45 conference papers, 186 indexed by SCI (more than 4000 citation, H-index 40).


Research Interests

  1. Polymer nanomaterials and nanocomposites

  2. Energy materials

  3. Functional membranes

  4. New methods for polymer modification and processing


Education and Work Experience


Work experience


Ph.D., Shanghai Jiaotong University


Lecturer, Associate Professor, Tongji University


Postdoctoral Fellow, Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany


Visiting Scientist, The University of Southern Mississippi, USA


Visiting Scientist, The University of Southern Mississippi, USA


Visiting Scientist, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA


Full Professor, Tongji University


Academic Activities

He is currently serving on the editorial board of four international and domestic Journals. He has also served as peer reviewers for more than 80 international and domestic journals, like Science, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angwandte Chem., Adv. Mater., Prog. Polym. Sci., Adv. Funct. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Science China, etc.. He has repeatedly served as the national and provincial science and technology awards, the National Natural Science Foundation, the Organization Department of the Central Committee, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other provincial and ministerial projects and talent fund evaluation experts



In 1999, Excellent Young Teachers in Shanghai universities.

In 2005, Shanghai Aurora Scholar

In 2006, New Century Outstanding Talents in Ministry of Education of China


Main Lectures

Undergraduates: Situation and Trend of New Materials; Polymer Materials.

Master Students: Energy Materials

Ph.D Students: Material Chemistry


Recent Selected Publications

(1) Y.J. Chen, Z.Y. Hu, Z.G. Shen, X.Q. Xue, H.T. Pu*, Preparation of Superstructure Comb Polymer Based on Nanosized Macro-monomer, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15: 17590-17599

(2) Z.H. Zou, M.J. Yin, B. Yin, Z.Y. Hu, D. Wang, H.T. Pu*, Facile preparation of surface-modified polypropylene nanofiber separators with enhanced ionic transport and welding properties in lithium-ion batteries, Nano Energy, 2024, 127: 109774

(3) Y.J. Chen, Z.Y. Hu, H.T. Pu*, Macromolecular Metamorphosis in Polymer Network via Reversibly Collapse of Single-chain Nanoparticles, Macromolecules, 2023, 56(22): 9031-9298

(4) Z.H. Zou, Z.Y. Hu, H.T. Pu*, Synthesis of polypropylene nanofiber separators for lithium-ion batteries via nanolayer coextrusion, Chem. Eng. J., 2023, 474: 145724

(5) Y.J. Chen, Z.Y. Hu, D.P. Wang, X.Q. Xue, H.T. Pu*, Reversible Change in Performances of Polymer Networks via Invertible Architecture–Transformation of Cross-Links, ACS Macro Lett., 2023, 12: 1311–1316

(6) Z.H. Zou, Z.Y. Hu, H.T. Pu*, Lithium-ion battery separators based-on nanolayer co-extrusion prepared polypropylene nanobelts reinforced cellulose, J. Membr. Sci., 2023, 666: 121120

(7) Z.Y. Hu, H.T. Pu*, Single-chain polymer nanoparticles carried cuprous catalysts, Eur. Polym. J., 2021, 143: 110194

(8) B. Shen, B. Sana, H.T. Pu*, Multi-block poly(ether sulfone) for anion exchange membranes with long side chains densely terminated by piperidinium, J. Membr. Sci., 2020, 615: 118537

(9) Y.J. Li, H.T. Pu*, Facile Fabrication of Multilayer Separators for Lithium-Ion Battery via Multilayer Coextrusion and Thermal Induced Phase Separation, J. Power Sources, 2018, 384: 408-416

(10) F. Wang, H.T. Pu*, Voltage-responsive single-chain polymer nanoparticles via host-guest interaction, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52: 3516-3519


Admissions and Recruitment Information

1-2 Postdoctoral fellows with the background of polymer synthesis or materials for batteries (or fuel cells).


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