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Jia Huang

发布日期:2015-12-08    作者:     来源:     点击:

Contact Information    




Name:Jia Huang

Email: huangjia@tongji.edu.cn; huangjia1016@hotmail.com


Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering
Johns Hopkins University

B.S. Materials Science and Engineering
University of Science and Technology of China


Research and Publications

Research Interests:
Flexible Electronics; Organic Semiconductors; Sensors; Electronic Skins; Thin-film Transistors; Energy Materials


Recent Publications:
(1)Wu, Xiaohan; Ma, Yan, Zhang, Guoqian; Chu,Yingli; Du, Juan; Zhang, Yin; Li, Zhuo; Duan, Yourong; Fan, Zhongyong*; Huang, Jia*. Thermally Stable, Biocompatible and Flexible Organic Field-effect Transistors and Their Application in Temperature Sensing Arrays for Artificial Skin. Advanced Functional Materials, (2015) 25, pp2138-2146.
(2)J. Peng, Y. Chen, X. Wu, Q. Zhang, X. Chen, Y. Chen*, J. Huang*, Z. Liang,* Correlating Molecular Structures with Transport Dynamics in High-Efficiency Small Molecule Organic Photovoltaics. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2015) 7, 13137–13141
(3)Yin Zhang§, Juan Du§, Xiaohan Wu, Guoqian Zhang, Yingli Chu, Dapeng Liu, Yixin Zhao*, Ziqi Liang*, and Jia Huang*. Ultrasensitive Photodetectors Based on Island-Structured CH3NH3PbI3 Thin Films, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2015) 7, 21634-21638.
(4)Huang, Jia; Allen L. Ng, Yanmei Piao, Chien-Fu Chen, Alexander A. Green, Chuan-Fu Sun, Mark C. Hersam, Cheng S. Lee, and YuHuang Wang. Covalently Functionalized Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Combine High Sensitivity and Selectivity in the Electrical Detection of Small Molecules. Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2013), 135, pp 2306–2312.
(5)Huang, Jia; Hongli Zhu, Yuchen Chen, Colin Preston, Kathleen Rohrbach, John Cumings, and Liangbing Hu. Highly Transparent and Flexible Nanopaper Transistors. ACS Nano, (2013) Vol. 7, 2106.
(6)M. Yamamoto, O Pierre-Louis, J. Huang, M.S. Fuhrer, T.L. Einstein, W.G. Cullen. The Princess and the Pea at the Nanoscale: Wrinkling and Delamination of Graphene on Nanoparticles. Physical Review X (2012) 2, 041018.
(7)Huang, Jia; Yin, Zhigang; Zheng, Qingdong. Applications of ZnO in organic and hybrid solar cells. Energy & Environmental Science. (2011) 4, 3861.  
(8)Huang, Jia; Hines, D.; Williams, E.; Fuhrer, M.; Cumings, J. et. al. Polymeric Semiconductor/Graphene Hybrid Field-effect Transistors. Organic Electronics. (2011) 12, 1471-1476.
(9)Huang, Jia; Dawidcyk, T.; Jung, BJ; Mason A. and Katz HE. Response diversity and dual response mechanism of organic field-effect transistors with dinitrotoluene vapor. Journal of Materials Chemistry. (2010) 20, 2644.
(10)Someya, T.; Dodabalapur, A.; Huang, J. See, KC.; and Katz, HE. Chemical and physical sensing by organic semiconductor-based devices. Advanced Materials. (2010) Vol 22, p3799.
(11)Katz, HE. and Huang, Jia. Thin Film Organic Electronic Devices. Annual Review of Materials Research. Vol. 39. (2009) p71-92.
(12)Sun, J.; Jun, B.J.; Lee, T.; Berger, L.; Huang, J.; Katz, H.E., et. al. Tunability of Mobility and Conductivity over Large Ranges in PQT12/Insulating Polymer Composites. ACS Appl. Mat. & Interf. (2009) 1, 412.
(13)Huang, Jia; Sun, Jia; Katz, H. Monolayer-dimensional 5,5’-Bis(4-hexylphenyl)-2,2’-bithiophene Transistors and Chemically Responsive heterostructures. Advanced Materials. (2008) 20, 2567.
(14)Zheng, QD; Huang, J.; Sarjeant, A.; Katz, HE. Pyromellitic Diimides: Minimal Cores for High Mobility n-channel Transistor Semiconductors, Journal of the American Chemical Society. (2008) 130, 14410.
(15)Huang, J.; Miragliotta, J.; Becknell, A.; Katz, H.E. Hydroxy-terminated organic semiconductor blend-based field-effect transistors for phosphonate vapor. Journal of the American Chemical Society. (2007) 129, 9366.
(16)Takao Someya, Bholanath Pal, Jia Huang, and Howard E. Katz. Organic Semiconductor Devices with Enhanced Field and Environmental Responses. MRS Bulletin. (2008) vol. 33, p690-696.
(17)Ye, H.; Abu, A; Huang, J.; Katz, H.E.; and Gracias, D. Probing organic field-effect transistors during operation using surface sum-frequency generation. Journal of the American Chemical Society. (2006) 128, 6528. [12.1]
(18)See, K., Huang, J., et al. Performance Requirements and Mechanistic Analysis of Organic Transistor-based Phosphonate Gas Sensors. Organic Semiconductors in Sensor Applications. Edited by G. Malliaras (2008)
(19)Katz, H.E., Huang, Jia. Organic Semiconductor-based Chemical Sensors. Monograph. Organic electronics: materials, manufacturing and applications. Edited by Klauk, H..(2006)
(20)Wu, Xiaohan, Huang, Jia*. Chemical and Biological Sensors based on Nanowire Transistors. Bio-Inspired Nanomaterials and Applications. Edited by: Donglu Shi, Published by World Scientific Publishing. (2015)
(21)Application of Nano-structured Materials and Devices in Chemical and Biological Sensing. Edited by Huang, Jia. Published by World Scientific Publishing. (2015)

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