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Jianzhong Du

发布日期:2015-12-08    作者:     来源:     点击:

Contact Information

Name:Jianzhong Du

4800 Caoan Road, Shanghai, 201804, China


Work experience

Eastern Scholar Professor at Tongji University (from 2010)
Professor of Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital (from 2015)
Head of Department of Polymeric Material (from 2015)



Ph.D. Chemistry
Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


Research and Publications

Research Interests:
His research interests focus on the synthesis, self-assembly and applications of stimuli-responsive polymers with particular interests in polymer vesicles and other complex nanostructures. He also has wide interests in materials science, biomedicine, biocatalysis, water remediation, and antibacterial materials, etc.

Recent Publications:
for a full publication list, please visit the group website.


22. Xiao, Y. F.; Sun, H.; Du, J. Z.*, Sugar-Breathing Glycopolymersomes for Regulating Glucose Level, Journal of the American Chemical Society2017, 139, 7640-7647. [Selected as Chemical & Engineering News: C & EN News,2017, 95, 9; ACS Press Release].

21. Liu, Q. M.; Song, L. W.; Chen, S.; Gao, J. Y.; Zhao, P. Y.; Du, J. Z.*, A superparamagnetic polymersome with extremely high T2 relaxivity for MRI and cancer-targeted drug delivery, Biomaterials2017, 114, 23-33. [ESI highly cited paper, as of March/April 2017]  

20. Zhu, Y. Q.; Yang, B.; Chen, S.; Du, J. Z.*, Polymer vesicles: mechanism, preparation, application, and responsive behavior, Progress in Polymer Science 2017, 64, 1-22.[ESI hot paper (0.1%), ESI highly cited paper (1%), as of March/April 2017]  

19. Sun, H.; Zhu, Y. Q.; Yang, B.; Wang, Y. F.; Wu, Y. P.*; Du, J. Z.*, Template-free fabrication of nitrogen-doped hollow carbon spheres for high-performance supercapacitors based on a scalable homopolymer vesicle, Journal of Materials Chemistry A2016, 4, 12088-12097.  

18. Chen, J.; Liu, Q. M.; Xiao, J. G.; Du, J. Z.*,EpCAM-Antibody-Labeled Noncytotoxic Polymer Vesicles for Cancer Stem Cells-Targeted Delivery of Anticancer Drug and siRNA, Biomacromolecules2015, 16, 1695–1705.  

17. Geng, Q. R.; Xiao, J. G.; Yang, B.; Wang, T.; Du, J. Z.*, Rationally Engineering Dual Missions in One Statistical Copolymer Nanocapsule: Bacterial Inhibition and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Capturing, ACS Macro Letters2015, 4, 511-515.  

16. Liu, Q. M.; Chen, S.; Chen, J.; Du, J. Z.*, An Asymmetrical Polymer Vesicle Strategy for Significantly Improving T1 MRI Sensitivity and Cancer-Targeted Drug Delivery, Macromolecules2015, 48, 739-749.[ESI highly cited paper, as of Sep/Oct 2015]  

15. Zhu, Y. Q.; Wang, F. Y. K.; Zhang, C; Du, J. Z.*,Preparation and Mechanism Insight of Nuclear Envelope-Like Polymer Vesicles for Facile Loading of Biomacromolecules and Enhanced Biocatalytic Activity, ACS Nano2014, 8, 6644–6654.  

14. Zhu, Y. Q.; Fan, L.; Yang, B.; Du, J. Z.*,Multifunctional Homopolymer Vesicles for Facile Immobilization of Gold Nanoparticles and Effective Water Remediation, ACS Nano2014, 8, 5022-5031.[ESI highly cited paper]  

13. Zhou, C. C.; Wang, M. Z.; Zou, K. D.; Chen, J.; Zhu, Y. Q.; Du, J. Z.*,Antibacterial Polypeptide-Grafted Chitosan-Based Nanocapsules As an “Armed” Carrier of Anticancer and Antiepileptic Drugs, ACS Macro Letters 2013, 2, 1021-1025. [Cover of November 2013: Vol. 2, Iss. 11]  

12. Chen, W. Q.; Du, J. Z.*,Ultrasound and pH Dually Responsive Polymer Vesicles for Anticancer Drug Delivery, Scientific Reports 2013, 3, DOI: 10.1038/srep02162.  

11. Xiao, J.; Chen, W. Q.; Wang, F. Y. K.; Du, J. Z.*,Polymer/TiO2 Hybrid Nanoparticles with Highly Effective UV-Screening but Eliminated Photocatalytic Activity, Macromolecules 2013, 46, 375-383.  

10. Zhu, Y. Q.; Liu, L.; Du, J. Z.*,Probing into Homopolymer Self-Assembly: How Does Hydrogen Bonding Influence Morphology? Macromolecules 2013, 46, 194-203.  

9. Yuan, W. Z.; Wei, J. R.; Lu, H.; Fan, L.; Du, J. Z.*,Water-dispersible and biodegradable polymer micelles with good antibacterial efficacy, Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 6857-6859.  

8. Ren, T. B.; Liu, Q. M.; Lu, H.; Liu, H. M.; Zhang, X.*; Du, J. Z.*,Multifunctional Polymer Vesicles for Ultrasensitive Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Drug Delivery, J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 12329-12338.  

7. Du, J. Z.*; O'Reilly, R. K.*, Anisotropic particles with patchy, multicompartment and Janus architecture: preparation and application, Chem. Soc. Rev.2011, 40, 2402-2416.[ESI highly cited paper, as of Sep/Oct 2015]  

6. Du, J. Z.; Willcock, H.; Patterson, J. P.; O'Reilly, R. K.*, Self-assembly of Hydrophilic Homopolymers: A Matter of End Groups, Small 2011, 7, 2070-2080. [Highlighted in Science 2011, 333, 386 as "Editor's Choice": The ends of the story.]  

5. Du, J. Z.; O’Reilly, R. K.*, Advances and challenges in smart and functional polymer vesicles, invited highlight, Soft Matter2009, 5, 3544-3561. [Most highly read articles published in Soft Matter during 2009, ESI highly cited paper, as of Sep/Oct 2015]  

4. Du, J. Z.; Armes, S. P.*, pH-responsive Vesicles Based on A Hydrolytically Self-Crosslinkable Copolymer,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2005, 127, 12800–12801.  

3. Du, J. Z.; Tang, Y. Q.; Lewis, A. L.; Armes, S. P.*, pH-sensitive Vesicles Based on A Biocompatible Zwitterionic Diblock Copolymer,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2005, 127, 17982-17983. [Selected as Chemical & Engineering News, 83(50), 8, ESI highly cited paper, as of Sep/Oct 2015]  

2. Du, J. Z.; Chen, Y. M.*, Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Nanoparticles with Complex Hollow Structure, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.2004, 43, 5084-5087. [Selected as Heart Cut, 25 Oct 2004, www.chemistry.org]  

1. Du, J. Z.; Chen, Y. M.*; Zhang, Y. H.; Han, C. C.; Fisher, K.; Schmidt, M., Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Vesicles Based on A Reactive Block Copolymer, J. Am. Chem. Soc.2003, 125, 14710-14711.  




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