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学术报告通知:Nature Communications副主编张昌军博士

发布日期:2015-06-29    作者:     来源:     点击:

题 目:Getting published in a Nature-branded journal 如何在Nature系列杂志上发表论文

报告人:张昌军 博士(Nature子刊Nature Communications副主编)

时 间:6月30日(周二)下午2点

地 点:嘉定校区德才楼(材料学院)441会议室


Dr. Changjun Zhang joined Nature Communications in March 2013 after postdoctoral work at University of Cambridge, Royal Institution and University College London. He moved to Shanghai office, Nature Publishing Group in September, and he is an Associate Editor for Nature Communications. He obtained his PhD in chemistry from Queen's University Belfast in 2002, prior to which he was a university lecturer in Central China Normal University. His research focused on theoretical aspects of systems of relevance to surface science, solid-liquid interfaces, heterogeneous catalysis, energy production and storage, and solid state fuel cells.


介绍Nature杂志及其系列子期刊的历史和Nature系列期刊的分类,重点介绍Nature Communications论文写作当中所需要注意的各个方面与细节,同时就投稿和回复审稿人意见过程中遇到的一些典型问 题进行解读。